Psychological Testing

Psychometric Assessments

Psychological tests provide an objective analysis of human behaviour which explains their popularity and has enabled them to be adopted widely. In today’s times, these tests have been primarily used to assess and guide individuals for personal development, career counselling, selection and promotion to list a few. 

We, at “EMOTICONS India”, use psychological tests to scientifically assess the cognitive, emotional and behavioral patterns and provide the needful guidance. 

The tests are administered and scored in a standardized manner. These tests are scientific in nature having a high reliability and validity.

The Steps We Follow:

1. Administration of the test

1. Administration of the test

2. Report generation

2. Report generation

3. Counseling session for report discussion

3. Counseling session for report discussion

We Conduct A Variety Of Psychological Assessments:

Aptitude Tests are the ability tests which bring out the individual’s mental capabilities, providing help in making an informed Career Decision. They help in identifying the right potential of an individual. The standardized tests we use help one in reducing the probability of making the wrong career decisions. 

We highly recommend it not just for students before choosing their careers, but also to adults before changing their career paths.

Personality Tests depict various dimensions portraying the characteristic way in which a person behaves. It helps in gaining a deeper understanding about the person’s personality characteristics and therefore the ways people are likely to think, feel and behave. Personality tests are highly used in vocational settings and the corporate world.

Interest Inventories assist in identifying careers based on one’s interests. The test helps an individual in identifying interest and styles on the basis of which the most suitable areas of employment could be suggested.The test is suitable if one wishes to find out the area of their interest.
Choosing a career that matches one’s overall interest, while also taking into account one’s personality and aptitude, provides an individual with a higher chance of enjoyability and success in their job. 

We also administer a variety of tests which help in measuring various attitudes, beliefs, emotional states and stress level.Choosing a career that matches one’s overall interest, while also taking into account one’s personality and aptitude, provides an individual with a higher chance of enjoyability and success in their job. 

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